Just How Ignorant is STIRRING MEDIA LLC?
Apparently I, Blogger Crystal Cox, was a BIG disappointment
to bloggers and journalists, EVERYWHERE. Gee Darn,
and I So Sought their Approval for my INDEPENDENT PRODUCT.
and I So Sought their Approval for my INDEPENDENT PRODUCT.
My Precedence will make it LEGAL for you to post things like this post about me, Blogger Crystal Cox, which is riddled with weak words for weak, scared, sheeple bloggers. And consumed with BAD Information, Mis-FACTS, and Flat Out LIES.
I did not DEFAME anyone. I reported on a $40 Million Dollar Bankruptcy and a Trustee that ran aMok. Read the Documents, read the Facts.
Oh and if the "disappointment" to those bloggers and journalists you refer to is regarding my Alleged Extortion, First, Engage your BRAIN and NOTE, even if I am a Criminal I can still be a Journalist, a Reporter and well, a Citizen, that has First Amendment Rights, and should be protected under those same PRIVILEGED Laws as BIG MEDIA, and Traditional Journalists.
Secondly, Crystal Cox was NOT on trial for Extortion, if that is what your alleging is so darn disappointing to bloggers and journalists. Oh and I use RADICAL, Strong, Internet Marketing to Get Victims of Corruption in the U.S. Courts Found. Those disappointed bloggers and journalists, don't have the BALLS to do this as they answer to the SYSTEM, to Corporate Greed, and Politics. I am TRULY, actually, REALLY Independent Reporting.
STIRRING MEDIA LLC Gives you Bloggers, Citizen Journalists, Whistle Blowers Exposing Corruption BAD, BAD Advice
If you want to actually learn the case, READ ALL the Documents. If you want to Understand the role of Obsidian Finance Group in the Summit Bankruptcy then study those documents. OR you can be a spineless, balless follower of those disappoint bloggers and journalists and be ALL butthurt and disappointed in Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox who really don't give a shit.
Dipshit Media, STIRRING MEDIA Says, "The Crystal L. Cox case shook the blogosphere, ultimately disappointing bloggers and journalists everywhere with the truth regarding her tactics and how she used blogging and search engine optimization. What happened, and what could this case mean to you, especially if you don’t consider yourself an “investigative blogger” or even blog as your profession? "
WOW I was disappointing to bloggers and journalists EVERYWHERE, WOW, little ol' ME? Geez guess they don't know how to read and simply have the OPINION they are Told to Have by that thar REAL MEDIA.
oh and Stirring Media, says, "with the truth regarding her tactics",
WOW, the TRUTH, Stirring Media is that really what your going with? And where did you get your TRUTH? From those involved in the corruption I was and am exposing or from the BIG MEDIA that my Case Precedence is BRINGING Down by Ending the MONOPOLY that Big Media has on FREE SPEECH. Can Ya Read, DUDE ?
Do you get how Important my Case is to ALL Citizen Journalists, Investigative Blogger and Whistleblowers? Wake the FUCK up !!
oh and Stirring Media, says, "The original trial took place in December 2011, when the court ruled that Cox has to pay Obsidian Financial and bankruptcy lawyer Kevin Padrick $2.5 million for defamation.
Cox claimed in her numerous blog posts and websites that Padrick and company had engaged in tax fraud, bribery, and money laundering, among other things.
The blogging community was originally outraged, as the opinion was interpreted to mean that as a blogger, Cox was not a journalist and therefore wasn’t protected by the state’s shield law. On the surface, it seemed like a company with more money and power was able to squash the notion that it could be involved in wrong doing.
Reports from April 2012 now reveal that Cox wasn’t the victim of an outdated shield law, but was a scammer who utilized blogging and the Internet to ruin people’s online reputations, only to offer reputation management services to the very people she defamed. It was found that this was the case with Padrick and Obsidian Financial, as well as the journalists who covered the case in the months after, their family members, government officials in her home town, and other individuals at high-profile companies. Cox has never proven her accusations. Her case went to appeal, which was denied, where the original judge clarified by saying that he did not say all bloggers weren’t journalists, just not Cox."
WRONG again Dumb Ass, Trial was in November for One. And Bankruptcy TRUSTEE, Court Appointed, WAY Different than Bankruptcy Lawyer.
And yes I "Claimed" all that, I alleged and I linked to and gave the court massive internal documents, legal filings, videos, deposition and more from 3 years of sources. I have been reporting on this case for 3 Years.
"On the surface, it seemed like a company with more money and power was able to squash the notion that it could be involved in wrong doing."
YEP and that is Exactly what Happened, have you followed this at all, have you read the documents or their latest MOVE to Steal my Appeal Right. Have you "Investigated" to see if they were GUILTY? Have you "Investigated" to see if there was really EXTORTION or if that was ANY part of the Case?
Ya Exposing People's CORRUPT Actions does RUIN their Reputation.
I did not ruin their reputation, I Turned a BIG Fat Light on in the Dark, Dirty Corrupt Room ALL the Bad Reputation Causing Behavior was happening.
I did not create it, nor make it up, nor post it to extort anyone. I offered a deal in a Settlement Negotiation AFTER I was sued. The email in Forbes and the New York Times is ONE of 5 and its part of 1 of 9 Settlement Negotiations. It was NOT Extortion, wake Up. I never Extorted anyone, I never received MONEY.
I was not on Trial for Extortion, I was not investigated for Extortion, I did not have a Criminal Complaint Filed for Extortion, I was not prosecuted for Extortion.
Now That you have Called me a SCAMMER, which I am NOT, you will now be named a Legal Action in Criminal and Civil Conspiracy, as I have SCAMMED no One.
Stirring Media, says, "Cox has never proven her accusations", are you kidding ?
You sure are STUPID, have you read my site or just listened to OTHERS, Hear Say?
I gave the court over 400 documents, I had source(S), I had videos, internal emails, documents, depositions, legal filings, audio hearings, transcripts and more and I have had them on my sites and they are on the source site for over 3 years.
OH and the DUMBEST THING THAT Stirring Media LLC SAID "Her case went to appeal, which was denied", Keep in mind Reader that this was Published January 16, 2013 at 3:49 pm. And if Stirring Media LLC had any FACTS they would know that at that time, on that VERY day, a Sheriff's Sale was Scheduled, for WHAT? my Assets, what Asset? my Right to APPEAL, very important story to report on, Stirring Media missed that one.
Oh and if Stirring Media LLC had any FACTS they would know that my APPEAL has been going on for a year, and TONS of surrounding information and issues important to ALL those Disappointed Bloggers and Journalists. Yet Stirring Media LLC says my Appeal was Denied??? What??
Talk about BAD MEDIA !!
Oh ya and Judge Marco Hernandez did Say that ONLY Crystal Cox is not "Media", not a JOURNALIST, but hey YOU Could Be... you got ONE RIGHT, So Stirring Media LLC does that sound RIGHT TO YOU?
Make any Sense at ALL? Why ME?
Because I have no standards? Really, so if the Judge don't like my style the laws or constitution does not apply to me? Or if the Judge thinks I am a Criminal then I am not protected by the law or constitutional rights in journalism, in a CIVIL TRIAL?
Oh and if the JUDGE thinks I am Criminal, why not file a Criminal Complaint, I mean Come ON, he is a Federal Judge RIGHT?
Wake UP. Do you NOT Get CORRUPTION Jack Ass. oh and Even if I am Guilty of Extortion that has nothing to do with whether the First Amendment, Retraction Laws, Shield Laws applied to me on that ONE Blog Post? HELLO !!
Stirring Media, says, "The first thing to do, if you’re a blogger who wants to be a journalist, is to understand what it means to be a journalist and what behaviors are associated with good journalists. United States District Court Judge Marco A. Hernandez defined media toward the end of his opinion of the original trial, which states:" WRONG again, I certainly did all those things, wake Up. Behavior has NOTHING to do with whether you are protected under the First Amendment, WAKE UP.
You Don't Think I met any of those "media" definitions, REALLY?
7 years at this, 1200 Blogs, massive content, interviews, emails, sources, notes, editing capabilities and you think I met NONE of those. Or maybe I met them, but gee Darn I am a Criminal GUILTY of Extortion, Said no AUTHORITY, and so therefore I don't qualify on those reasons, this judge, says qualifies one as MEDIA.
Stirring Media, says, "Follow this definition, and you and your work won’t be discredited as sensational or opinionated."
WOW, well geez that's what we hard hitting, corruption exposing Investigative Bloggers, Whistle Blower, Citizen Journalist go for, to NOT Sensationalize or be Opinionated. Wouldn't want the sheeple to discredit the TRUTH and believe the LIE, now would we?
Stirring Media, says, "Second Lesson. The second lesson is that bloggers can no longer get away with saying whatever they want, whenever they want online. Prior to this, bloggers have gotten away with writing falsehoods, releasing juicy stories before all the facts are in, or spreading rumor for self gain. If it can count as defamation, then it can be subject to an investigation and a trial similar to Cox’s. Even if it’s meant to be opinion, it’s important to exercise restraint. Take the time to do the legwork, to find evidence that’s more than anecdotal or circumstantial."
BULLSHIT, Bloggers certainly Do have the RIGHT to Say whatever the FUCK they Want, whenever the FUCK THEY Want to. And if you are reporting on a Case and giving links to thousands of documents of proof, well BOY HOWDY, I suppose your entitled to an opinion or two, as well. And well if you have a BRAIN and the FACTS are Blatant, Obvious and Handy, well then you will certainly be BIASED to one side or the OTHER. That is what REAL Facts do. THEY expose the Truth and in that, how can the BLOGGER not be BIASED, DUH?
So Investigative Bloggers, Whistle Blower, Citizen Journalist Release THOSE Juicy Stories and Fear Not, it is on your Knowledge and Belief. Post them facts, post documents and videos and FEAR NOT, and do not listen to the scaredy cat advice of Sensational Stirring Media.
oH and I have had NO Self GAIN. I have gave Everything I knew to be my life for this fight for victims of corruption and for the rights of Investigative Bloggers, Whistle Blower, and Citizen Journalist to Expose Corrupt Judges, Attorneys, Bankruptcy Trustees, Corporations, Politicians and more.
oh But if your going for mamby pampy regurgitating blogging like Stirring Media seems to strive for well then keep it MIDDLE of the Road, without Opinion, without Bias, oh and no Sensationalism to Discredit those words.
So Folks in the words of WISE Sage Stirring Media LLC, "Take the time to do the legwork, to find evidence" UNLIKE Stirring Media LLC has the capability, brains or balls to do.
Link to Mamby Bamby, Middle of the Road, Clueless, Factless Blog Post by STIRRING MEDIA, LLC Quoted Above
For More REAL Research
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